Introspective Hypnosis


Introspective Hypnosis

This is a method that combines several techniques such as forgiveness therapy, past life regression, role change, and spirit releasement. Introspective hypnosis helps people in discovering and understanding the origin of psychosomatic symptoms, such as pain, sadness, depression, fears, phobias, relationship issues, addictions, etc. This method is very flexible, based on the principle that each person is unique. It can easily be adapted to the requirements of each client and each session, in order to look for the most positive outcome.

The human body can act as a big repository of repressed emotions. The mind can remove any event or experience that might overload us from our conscious memory, as a form of protection. It stores that event in the subconscious mind until we are ready to deal with it. We unknowingly put these repressed emotions “on hold” due to a variety of reasons. When ignored for a period of time, these issues can manifest as symptoms in different parts of the body. In an Introspective Hypnosis session, we try to look for those pending issues that might have originated either in this life or in a past one.

Other symptoms can be caused by spirit attachments. This is way more common than one might think. Lost souls or soul parts that have not yet found their way back to the Light after their death can attach themselves to another body and cause both physical, mental, or energetic issues. These attachments can come about for a variety of reasons, and these souls are often confused and not fully aware that they have died. They may feel that they have some unresolved business with the soul of their host body, that they have to look after them, or they may have simply attached to them cause they found them in a moment where they were experiencing similar emotions. We not only assist the person suffering from a spirit attachment but also negotiate with the attached spirit and assist them to return to Light so they can continue on their own journey. We try to help them by treating them with love and respect, and working with them on forgiveness.

Please note that your practitioner is not doing the healing. You are healing yourself through this guided experience.

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  • Session of 3 - 4 hours for 125 euros

    To book an ONLINE session click below

    For an IN-PERSON session at my office in Ostend (Belgium) contact me via the contact form or via E-mail at

Introspective Consultation


Introspective Consultation

This modality is similar to an Introspective Hypnosis session, but without the slow hypnotic induction.

It is aimed at addressing issues or traumas in a straightforward manner. If you know exactly which issues you wish to address, we can get right to it, leading you in by asking a series of questions which are meant to help you get to the root of the issue.

If you just wish to visit past lives out of curiosity or connect with your Higher Self or Spirit Guides, I suggest a regular Introspective Hypnosis session.

An Introspective Consultation session is 2 - 3 hours long. This includes the interview where you get the chance to explain what it is you wish to address.

  • Session of 2 - 3 hours for 75 euros

    To book an ONLINE session click below

    For an IN-PERSON session at my office in Ostend (Belgium) contact me via the contact form or via E-mail at