
Q & A

Vraag & Antwoord

1. Is Introspective Hypnosis safe?

Introspective Hypnosis is a safe and non-intrusive therapy. It does not cause you to lose control of your body or reveal information you do not wish to reveal. Morals and ethics remain intact, as does your sense of privacy. The hypnotic state is like a vivid daydream. The trance-like feelings you experience while reading a book, watching a movie, daydreaming, or meditation are all hypnotic states characterized by focused attention.

2. What is a past life regression?

Past Life Regression involves you being regressed to a past life. Your higher consciousness will select which past life to show you.  The practitioner will guide you through various scenes, navigating throughout various periods of the life, including the death scene. After that, a review of that life is addressed in order for you to understand what lessons can be taken from that life. The life chosen by your higher consciousness will be relevant to your current life. It is not uncommon for multiple past lives to be shown during a single session.

3. Will I remember anything?

It is normal to remember most of the session. Some remember bits and pieces. Only a small percentage of people don’t remember anything. A video recording will be made of your session and sent to you via E-mail so you can listen to it afterwards. Listening to your session and gaining the wisdom and insights from it is just as important as experiencing it. 

4. Will I lose control of what I say or do during a session?

No, your higher self (higher consciousness) will never act against your best interests or values. Although you will be in such a deep and relaxed state that may cloud your memory and conscious interaction at times, it will never say or do anything that will leave you exposed or vulnerable. Your conscious mind is able interrupt the session if there is any concern about safety or privacy.  

5. What is the higher self?

The “higher self” or higher consciousness is a part of you that didn’t embody itself when you incarnated. It's a part of your soul that remains in the spirit realm. It is much more complex than the subconscious mind. During an Introspective Hypnosis session, we work with both the subconscious mind and higher consciousness. Your “higher self” knows everything there is to know about you and the life you are living now. It will only choose to share information that is appropriate and of benefit to you. It is not a repository of problems and difficulties, but an immense resource of wisdom, intelligent insight and knowing that can bring real meaning, fulfillment and purpose to your life. Your Higher Self can answer any question about you. It knows everything there is to know about you and the life you are living now. If it is appropriate, this part of you is also able to provide physical and emotional healing. It may do so instantly, or its healing work will continue for days, weeks and even months after your session.

6. What can Introspective Hypnosis do for me?

It can explain current difficulties and challenges and help you to find appropriate solutions. It can find the cause of unexplained emotions, anxieties and fears that overwhelm you. It can help you understand why you are experiencing difficult relationships and to bring them to some resolution. It can help you find understanding and relief from ailments that are often considered psychosomatic including depression, addictions, anxieties and phobias. It most often helps you find your life purpose and direction. It can help release trapped energies, provide energetic healing. It can help you recognize and let go of negative patterns such as addictions and self-sabotage. It can also be used to access your higher self and receive personal advice.

7. How many sessions would I need for a full treatment?

Most people only need one session. Follow up sessions can be done if desired.

8. How long does a session take?

An Introspective Hypnosis session can run up to 3 hours. This includes time we spend discussing your issues and questions. Follow up sessions within 6 months of the previous session can take up to 2 hours and are offered at a discount. Light Language sessions take only about 20 minutes.

9. How much does it cost?

The cost for an Introsspective Hypnosis session of 3 hours is 100 euros. Full payment is required at booking. Follow up sessions within the spam of 6 months of the previous session cost 50 euros. 

Light Language Healing & Activation sessions are 10 euros for a session of 20 minutes.

10. What will I Feel during Hypnotic Trance?

Hypnosis is not sleep. You are totally conscious and aware of everything around you. Most people are completely aware of what it happening and remember all or most of their session. Only a small percentage of people don’t remember anything. A video recording will be made of your session so you can listen to it afterwards. Listening to your session and gaining the wisdom and insights from it is just as important as experiencing it. Don’t expect to feel anything extraordinary. Hypnosis does not make you feel like you’re on drugs or out of your body. You should be able to move your body and communicate as usual. You remain in control of what you wish to share or prefer to keep to yourself. 

11. What if I don’t believe in past lives or reincarnation?

That’s not a problem. In many sessions, we only visit memories from your current life. What's important is that it helps you in a way that is insightful. Whatever questions you may have, your higher consciousness is a great source of answers and will help you in ways that may surprise you. If there is anything you want me to keep in mind concerning your religious beliefs, I encourage you to inform me about it during the interview.

12. Can I bring a spouse, friend, relative with me to the session?

Nobody else is allowed to stay during the session. They can drop you off and then pick you up after the session.

13. What if the internet connection is lost during an online session?

If you suspect that one of us has lost connection, you can just ask and/or open your eyes and check your computer. Just stay calm and wait for the connection to be reestablished. If the connection was lost on your side, wait for it to return and then request me to admit you back into the meeting.

14. Is it possible to stay in hypnosis forever?

No! Even if you were put under hypnosis without being eased out by the hypnotist, the hypnotic state will automatically wear off once you resume your normal activities. 

15. What if I’m nervous?

I'll be doing a series of relaxation exercises before the actual session to make sure that you are totally relaxed. 

16. What if I can’t be hypnotized?

Some people are more suitable candidates for hypnosis than others. However, this does not mean that you need to be the type of person that gets into a trance very easily. Anyone can get into a trance, some faster and/or deeper than others. There are different levels of hypnosis. We can find something to work on at any level. Some people experience things more vividly than others. The level of trance may also vary throughout the session, typically progressively intensifying along the way.